

consultant, health coach, life coach… or a nurse dreaming to start a business based on your passion and expertise?

I’m Marsha Battee. And I have a secret that you already know.




Starting and running your own business takes a lot of guts, and the rewards of living life on your terms are unparalleled– the best feeling in the world.

What’s amazing is that anyone can do it. 

Of course it’s not easy. 

There’s no overnight success, raking in the dough, and being featured on Oprah with your soon to be famous product or service– unless, of course, Lady Luck has taken you under her wing.

But… If you have the right mindset, the tenacity to work, and the ability to overcome failures challenges and setbacks, you’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish.

But maybe you have no idea on how or where to get started.

You see others doing it but doubt your own abilities to do it, too.

In fact, you may be spending too much time wondering:

  • If you have the right idea or stressed because someone else is already building the business that you want to build. (Hint: It doesn’t matter.)
  • If you should get a few more degrees or alphabet soup behind your name, thinking only then will you be the “expert” and be able to get started. (Understood…)
  • If it would be worth it… after all, the extra shifts keep you earning what you need to anyway… (Right?)

    …all this the while putting your goals and desires on the back-burner, dreaming about “one day…”

    It’s at this point where I generally receive the emails stating:

    • “I hate my job!”
    • “I’m so exhausted.”
    • “I just can’t do it anymore…”

    Nurses being overwhelmed, stressed and jaded about their work and trying to find a solution. 

    Something else to just… do. 

    Oftentimes in this process, we’re way too exhausted to figure it out. Can’t wrap our minds around what to do next, and eventually check out. Unable to see what’s possible because that takes up bandwidth, too.

    “What passion and expertise?”

    “I don’t even have the energy to get out of bed!”

    I’ve seen other critical dialogue, too…

    • “I wish I had more free time.”
    • “I can’t start that right now… I have to [insert random activity that you don’t want to do here].”
    • “I need more sleep. I just can’t get over that time change this weekend!”
    • “I guess I have to wait til next year for Europe.”
    • “Why can’t I make more money?”

    I hear you.

    My guess is… you can definitely identify with something on this list.

    I could, too.


    Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way if only you make the time to focus on you.

    Paying attention to what you want– your goals, your aspirations.


    A framework that will help you…

    *Create the right mindset around what’s possible for you in business.

    *Solidify your idea and create the ideal brand to bring awareness to your work.

    *Know your ideal clients like the back of your hand.

    *Provide the right services that solve the exact problem your clients have to a tee.

    *Implement your work in way that feels so intuitive that you’ll wonder what took you so long to get started. 

    *Have the right support that inspires and encourages you to keep going.

    I’m here to let you know that these things can happen.

    But you have to be willing to…


    Because the truth is… we’re never really ready. Or at least that’s what we often think.

    So… I would love the opportunity to work with nurses like you who:

    • Love the idea of working from anywhere, laptop in hand, providing a service to any client you choose, anywhere in the world.
    • Want to spend time working in your true zone of genius because you know that’s where you’ll make a difference in the lives you serve.
    • Command a premium fee because your talents and skills are unparalleled.
    • Admire the work that you do, the people you surround yourself with, and enjoy regular self-care in the way that you want.
    • Take meaningful, fun-filled vacations every year… or just because.
    • Start the revolution you desire, and change the world with your big ideas.
    • Want to be the best nurse you can be. Or just the smartest, chillest, happiest one at least.

    If this sounds like you, let’s chat!

    And why should you work with me?


    Several years ago, I had a lofty idea.

    I was fresh off of a 6-country tour in Europe, exhausted from the travel but at the same time, exhausted with the thought of going back to work.

    I began to dream up ways that I could enjoy more travel and decided to create a tour company…

    All by myself…

    Yes, the thought was madness. But at the time, that’s where my heart was and I was determined to start a business in an industry that I didn’t even know anything about.

    I wanted to give myself breathing room to figure out what it was that I wanted from work, and I wanted to enjoy the time figuring it out.

    So I did my research, put together premium travel packages, created a webiste, did my own marketing mostly face-to-face, and set off to book clients to accompany me on a tour to Istanbul, Turkey.

    I was completely shocked when, out-of-the-blue, I received a Paypal notification of clients paying the deposit (on my website!) to have me tour them around in a foreign country. My desire, work and tenacity paid off– with complete strangers!

    In any event– we had a wonderful time in Istanbul for 7 days, and even more rewarding, the clients re-booked another trip. After that experience, I even had the opportunity to tour more clients in Greece as well.

    Now imagine if I had let fear take over– and yes, I was terrified…

    I look back at that time and I think how ‘nuts’ my idea was. But I laugh now, knowing more than ever that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. And I did…

    So can you.

    More about me…


    I love discovery, creating and building. And that’s pretty much the story of my life.

    Before this moment in time, I also:

    • Got accepted into my first choice medical school and attended for two years… but the Universe had something else up its sleeve.
    • Wrote, directed and edited a short film that was accepted into 3 film festivals.
    • Traveled to 17 countries, including backpacking for 7 months across parts of Europe and Asia.
    • Worked in luxury hotels, thinking that’s where I would continue my career.
    • Taught middle school math, science and robotics in South Central L.A. on an emergency teaching credential.
    • Was a program manager at UCLA, wrangling large-scale conferences with hundreds of attendees and speakers, staying in some pretty nice places.
    • Earned a certificate in full-stack web development to learn how to write software programs.
    • Created an electronic health record for forensic nurses with organizations signed on across the country.
    • Worked as a clinical development professional charged with educational initiatives in over 20 primary and secondary clinics across Central and Northern New Mexico.
    • Currently building a mobile application for survivors of trauma to help in their healing process.

    I’ve also had the privilege to work with many patient populations as a nurse:

    Burn, ED/Trauma, Forensics, Clinical Education, Corrections, Eating Disorders, Indian Health Service, PACE centers, and currently as a contractor for a federal agency.

    Yep… I’ve done lots of… STUFF!

    And this makes me uniquely qualified to teach and mentor with perspective and insight from many angles and experiences.

    I’ve worked in many industries and offer creative ways to help you with your goals.

    For me, freedom is enjoying life in every moment. And I strive for that everyday. Starting my blog here at The Bossy Nurse has been my way to express that… to help nurses like you do the same.

    So if you’re ready to take the leap and want to: 

    • Work on your mindset and start a business and life you love with the help and support you need
    • Have more time and freedom to do what you want everyday
    • Enjoy the work you do and the people you surround yourself with


    Marsha is a leader and excellent trainer.

    I worked with her to start a new business and was constantly amazed with her entrepreneurial skills. She is a wonderful resource for people starting a new business or those who want to grow  their business. 

    Her work is packed with useful first-hand information that will bring  immediate benefits. 

    I learned a lot.

    Dina Towbin

    Founder, Dina Towbin & Associates


    Marsha Battee is a mindset and business coach for nurses looking to turn their passion and expertise into an online coaching or consulting business. 

    Marsha began her entrepreneurial journey at startup Nabee Socks before starting a travel firm and creating her own technology company. She knows firsthand how to push past fear and create the right mindset for business and incorporates this into her coaching.

    Marsha founded The RN Podcast, earning the iTunes “New & Noteworthy” designation, was a health writer at NurseGail.com, and has spoken for the Art of Nursing 2.0, Project Getaway in Bali, and Wealth & Wellness LIVE. Her work has been featured in KRWG and the Albuquerque Journal.

    Marsha is a board-certified Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner and holds a certificate in Full-Stack Website Development. Her muse is travel, having explored 17 countries. Marsha currently works for a federal agency and lives in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.